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Our Foundation

Mirae Asset will be the hope of the youth

No student should have to put his or her dreams on hold due to financial difficulties.
No young person should have to turn away from fulfilling his or her potential.

Our goal is to support passionate young minds to reach their fullest potential.
"A Better Tomorrow, a Better Future, and a Better World" is what we aim for.
We will always support young talents for their dreams to come true.


We operate global programs that empower college students
to reach their full potential worldwide.

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Support for the
Next Generation

We provide knowledge and experiences that touch the hearts
and expand the intellectual horizons of future leaders.

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We share love and make donations
through the value of sharing.


Learn more about how our programs instill hope.

Learn more (Unit: person)
  • Scholarship Project


  • Global Experiences


  • Finance / Vision Education


As of the end of June 2024


Learn more about the history of our programs.

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