Support for the Next Generation
We nurture the dreams of future generations.
Every experience plays a part in shaping growing children.
Mirae Assets provides various experiences for children to widen their intellectual horizons.
To feed children's insatiable curiosity,
we offer knowledge
To help children unlock their potential,
we provide the asset of experience.
To touch children's hearts,
we offer the gift of culture.
Empowering children to fulfill their dreams
is a task we embrace with passion.
Data as of the end of Dec. 2024 (Unit: person)
Main Programs of Support for the Next Generation
We operate the Future Generation Support Project to aid children's welfare facilities across Korea
(beneficiaries: Korea-based welfare facilities).
Global Cultural Experience Group
Young talents get to explore China, helping them reach their potential through a transformative global experience. We help teenagers experience the wider world and unique cultures.
Support for child welfare facilities
We provide a warm environment and rich experience for children to grow into happy adults. We presents a meeting with various knowledge and cultures under a stable environment.
Bilingual Textbooks
We provide bilingual textbooks so that multicultural children can build their communication skills and self-esteem. We help multicultural children learn the languages and cultures of their parents.
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